
Favorite paintings

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Painting titled Florence + the Devils, in acrylics on canvas. Private collection. Background music around time of its painting was Florence + The Machine's album Ceremonials. Untitled painting in acrylics on canvas. 1 of 2. Private collection. Untitled painting in acrylics on canvas. 2 of 2. Private collection. Painting titled Mill No. 9 ... in acrylics on canvas. Hangs in the lobby of Mill No. 9 Phase I, Indianapolis. Done on commission as part of the building's lobby redesign. Painting titled Blue Window. Acrylics on canvas. Commission for a private collection. Untitled painting in three panels. Done with teastaining, watercolors and acrylics on canvas. In a private collection. Painting of a friend. Acrylics and oil crayon on canvas. Painting titled Blue Streak. Acrylic, newsprint and laser printer paper on canvas. Done on commission for a journalist friend who wrote the headline on the paper in the painting. Untitled May 2012 painting ... in acrylics on canvas. Artist's collection.

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